Sir Richard Dearlove said he doesn’t understand why the IRGC hadn’t been proscribed
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Reports from US intelligence agencies suggest an attack could be launched in the coming months
By JC Reporter
The US president said he would want to negotiate a new Iran deal
Abbas Araqchi said a military strike coordinated with Israel would be ‘one of the biggest historical mistakes the US could make’
The shocking claims were made by the Islamic regime’s Vice President, who confirmed that the plan had been foiled
By Erez Linn
The chances of regime change have never been greater, say experts
By David Isaac
The regime is advancing towards constructing an atomic bomb at a ‘rapid pace’
By Imogen Garfinkel
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US president-elect reportedly also weighing up the sale of bunker-busting bombs to Israel
Last month’s Israeli operation went further than previously revealed, according to Axios
The alleged passageway will link a major transit station to Khomeini Hospital
By Neta Bar
Hezbollah already has the delivery systems to deploy such weapons, terrorism expert Matthew Levitt writes
Naftali Hazony, who spent eight years in the IAF, says Iran now only has inadequate medium-rage air defences
The US has warned Iran not to respond to Israel’s October 26 airstrikes
Tehran is weeks away from military-grade nuclear enrichment but it would take the regime over six months to turn that into a missile warhead
By Yaakov Lappin
Some in Washington believe Israel may be ready to hit Iranian nuclear sites
IDF says it intercepted most Iranian missiles and there are no reports of mass casualties